Eat Like a World Class Athlete - Replace Carbs with Good Fats – Best of the Bone
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Eat Like a World Class Athlete - Replace Carbs with Good Fats

Posted by Doctor Lucas on

Good Fats for Health

A simple way to eat and feel more like a world class athlete is to replace net carbs (total carbohydrates minus fiber; think sugars and grains) with high-quality healthy fats. Fats are a "cleaner" type of fuel for your body compared to carbs, and most would benefit getting anywhere from 50 to 85 percent of daily calories from healthy fats, such as that from avocados, butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk, raw dairy, organic pastured eggs, coconuts, coconut oil, organic nut oils, raw nuts (especially macadamias and pecans), seeds, and grass-fed broths (such as Best of the Bone) and grass-fed meats.

Dietary fats can be generally classified as saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (PUFA). A "saturated" fat means that all carbon atoms have their bonds filled with hydrogen atoms and as a result they are far less likely to oxidize and go rancid. Fats in foods contain a mixture of fats, but in foods of animal origin a large proportion are saturated.

Research shows avoiding saturated fat does NOT help prevent heart disease or improve longevity. In fact, saturated fats have protective effects. The benefits of saturated fat are many, and some appear to be uniquely traceable to saturated fat. For example, you need saturated fats for brain and immune system health.

Another argument is that animal foods in general, including bone broths, meat, cheese, butter, dairy, and eggs, contain high amounts of vitamins. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble, and you have to have the fat that comes naturally in animal foods along with the vitamins in order to absorb those vitamins.  Having the vitamins or natural herbs such as turmeric with a highly soluble and digestible food such as broth or Best of the Bone greatly enhances absorption of the nutrients.

Best of the Bone dish

The fats you need to avoid to protect your heart health are trans fats and processed vegetables oils, which are high in damaged omega-6 fats and PUFAs.

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