Best of the Bone broth blogs, news, updates – Tagged "cartilage"
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Best of the Bone broth blogs, news, updates — cartilage

Five Vital Considerations for your Bone Broth

Posted by Doctor Lucas on

Five Vital Considerations for your Bone Broth

Five Vital Considerations for your Bone Broth Bone broth may quite possibly be one of the oldest meals on record. Hippocrates was known to extol its virtues, and according to Dr. Kaayla Daniel, vice president of the Weston A. Price Foundation.  And it does have proven medicinal values. When making your own broth or buying here are five vital considerations. #1 – When making the broth at home remember that to get the most out of your bones you’ll need to cook them for several hours (many recipes you’ll see suggest 12, 14 or even 16 hours). Also, we suggest you roast the...

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“Best of the Bone” Beef Bone Gelatine vs Bone Broth?

Posted by Doctor Lucas on

“Best of the Bone” Beef Bone Gelatine vs Bone Broth?

What is “Best of the Bone” and is it like Broth? The first thing you'll notice when you open a jar of Best of the Bone is the dark brown, rich gelatin or gelatine.  This is truly the best elements of the bone - not broth but a gelatin that is more than 50% collagen protein and composed of 18 amino acids.  Both are amongst the highest of any food on the planet.   Broth, which is made by adding water and and usually chicken or beef bones and simmering it ideally for eight or more hours has collagen protein...

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The Osteoarthritis Epidemic

Posted by Doctor Lucas on

The Osteoarthritis Epidemic

If you’re over 35 there is a 50% chance you may have begun to experience this.   50% of active sports people have experienced this.   70% of all people over 60 have some form of this. Osteoarthritis is the eighth most common cause of disability worldwide. In the USA it is first.   As a result of the “osteoarthritis” epidemic joint replacement surgery is one of the fastest growth industries in the developed world – doubling every two years since 2008 – primarily hip, wrist and knee replacement. What is osteoarthritis and how can you beat it? Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition,...

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