Best of the Bone broth blogs, news, updates – Tagged "bone broth for sleep"
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Best of the Bone broth blogs, news, updates — bone broth for sleep

Bone Broth Improves Sleep and Reduces Anxiety

Posted by Doctor Lucas on

Bone Broth Improves Sleep and Reduces Anxiety

Anxiety can lead to sleeplessness can lead to anxiety. A vicious cycle. Get a good sleep and performance the next day is improved.  However, fatigue leads to a drop in performance which can lead to irritability, anxiety and shortened attention spans. To get a good nights rest a balanced supply of certain nutrients is important.  Findings in the study of amino acids has found that glutamine has a calming effect and couteracts symptoms of stress. To balance body and soul, a balanced supply of necessary nutrients is important. New findings in the field of food supplements stress the importance of...

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