Best of the Bone broth blogs, news, updates — paleo health
A Food More Complete Than Supplements For Digestive and Joint Health
Posted by Doctor Lucas on
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- Tags: arthritis, autoimmune, Best of the Bone, bone broth concentrate, bone broth health, broth gelatin, collagen protein, diabetes type 2, digestive health, food as medicine, gelatin, glycine, good fats, grass-fed, gut healing, healthy diet, healthy fats, ibs, immune system, inflammation, joint health, leaky gut, leaky gut syndrome, muscle growth, osteoporosis, paleo, paleo health, weight loss
“Best of the Bone” Beef Bone Gelatine vs Bone Broth?
Posted by Doctor Lucas on
What is “Best of the Bone” and is it like Broth? The first thing you'll notice when you open a jar of Best of the Bone is the dark brown, rich gelatin or gelatine. This is truly the best elements of the bone - not broth but a gelatin that is more than 50% collagen protein and composed of 18 amino acids. Both are amongst the highest of any food on the planet. Broth, which is made by adding water and and usually chicken or beef bones and simmering it ideally for eight or more hours has collagen protein...
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- Tags: arthritis, Best of the Bone, bone broth health, bone extract, cartilage, collagen, collagen protein, gelatin, gelatine, joint replacement, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, paleo health
Best of the Bone is a concentrated form of gelatin and collagen
Posted by Corey Chandler on
As a condensed liquid gelatine, the Best of the Bone is a concentrated form of gelatin, which is high in proline. The proline, a critical amino acid, in gelatin helps keep muscles and joints flexible. It is a critical component used in the development of healthy skin, muscles and connective tissues.
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- Tags: Best of the Bone, bone broth health, paleo health, The Herbal Doctors Solomon's Joint and Muscle Salve
Eight Healthy Reasons to Try Best of the Bone
Posted by Corey Chandler on
From pain-free joints to a healthy gut, to radiant skin, hair, and nails, find out the healthy benefits of this “old school” food trend your grandmother would love. The trendy new “dish” that’s sweeping the globe in hipster restaurants dedicated to its magical health benefits and in homes where granny is cooking (and what grandmother’s have cooked dating back to B.C.) This magical elixir is bone broth. Or more specifically it is bone extract – a process of boiling down beef, pork or chicken bones (along with vinegar or other active ingredient that helps extract all that is the best...