Best of the Bone broth blogs, news, updates – Tagged "amino acids"
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Best of the Bone broth blogs, news, updates — amino acids

Power-up - Slim-Down Salad: A Surprising Powerhouse Meal

Posted by Doctor Lucas on

Power-up - Slim-Down Salad: A Surprising Powerhouse Meal

Using grass-fed Best of the Bone for cooking including salad dressings and sauces increases your body's absorption of nutrients.  Try this Power-Up salad to slim down and increase your energy!


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Bone Broth Improves Sleep and Reduces Anxiety

Posted by Doctor Lucas on

Bone Broth Improves Sleep and Reduces Anxiety

Anxiety can lead to sleeplessness can lead to anxiety. A vicious cycle. Get a good sleep and performance the next day is improved.  However, fatigue leads to a drop in performance which can lead to irritability, anxiety and shortened attention spans. To get a good nights rest a balanced supply of certain nutrients is important.  Findings in the study of amino acids has found that glutamine has a calming effect and couteracts symptoms of stress. To balance body and soul, a balanced supply of necessary nutrients is important. New findings in the field of food supplements stress the importance of...

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Bone Broth Gelatin and Powdered Collagen Hydrolysate: Benefits? And is there a difference?

Posted by Doctor Lucas on

Bone Broth Gelatin and Powdered Collagen Hydrolysate: Benefits?  And is there a difference?

Collagen protein is a critical element missing from most western diets.  On health food store shelves you can find broths and powdered collagen proteins that provide alternatives to ensure you get the benefits.  The differences between a collagen hydrolysate or powdered gelatin (also called collagen peptides) and bone broth gelatin (gelatine) is based on the process, the ingredients and the final composition.   A spaghetti bolognaise using Best of the Bone as a base. Bone broth gelatin is comprised of cooked collagen protein and other nutritional benefits extracted from the bones and/or bones and cartilage.  You can find bestsellers on...

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How Gluten Sensitivities can lead to acute illness. Gluten Avoidance with a Routine of Bone Broth and Fermented Foods and You'll Be Feeling Great!

Posted by Doctor Lucas on

How Gluten Sensitivities can lead to acute illness.  Gluten Avoidance with a Routine of Bone Broth and Fermented Foods and You'll Be Feeling Great!

More than 10% of the population may suffer from gluten sensitivity of some form. Studies suggest that the number of gluten sensitive people is dramatically increasing every year with some studies already suggesting the percentage of those with gluten issues may be closer to 15%.     If you suffer from symptoms of unwellness when eating certain types of gluten (or to much) you may be classified with:  "gluten intolerance", "gluten allergy", "gluten sensitivity" or have Coeliac Disease.   Each of these classifications have symptoms of unwellness that can range from: abdominal pain, acne, bloating, bone density loss, eczema, diarrhoea,...

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